The significant CHOICES that we make in life, when really dissected, come down to the baseline motivation of the "why's." For instance, 'why' do we want a big kitchen; is it because we like to have the family gather in that space to share in the cooking experience, is it because we entertain a lot and think that this equates to needing a ginormous kitchen space with fancy gadgets to prepare food for the masses? 'Why' do we want macaroni & cheese for dinner versus spinach and broccoli? 'Why' do we want 4 faucet heads in the shower? When talking about home choices, the 'what's' are the features; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3 car garage which don't always satisfy the 'why's that bring you closer to functional and emotional satisfaction………so, when going through the decision making and selection process of your next home, try this exercise:
Each of those that will be involved in the decision making process are given a sheet of paper. Make 2 columns, the one on the left given a title of the 'WHAT'S' (features desired), the column on the right titled the 'WHY'S' (benefits derived from the features). Each individual typically is motivated by their own drivers, justification and desires for the 'why's' so it best serves everyone if each get their own sheet to fill out. Once each of you have filled out your paper, sit down and compare what has been listed.
You might be surprised what are the why's behind the what's–some will be similar and some will end up being 'WOW's'. Once you have gone through this exercise, narrow your scope even further and, out of your 'what's and why's', prioritize them so that you know, understand, and have great clarity on which facets are your team non-negotiables in priority order for this huge life decision of purchasing a new or different home. After walking yourselves through this exercise, your home selection, toilet seat selection, or dinner selection will feel and be remarkably streamlined and efficient—it is the science behind choices. A simple exercise that yields great results.